Escape Route: Shaulis Road bike trail .
Tires that need testing cannot be ignored, so Wednesday I had that on my schedule of things to get done. That and a dentist visit with the family. (We always schedule dental visits as a family) So, the appointment with the tooth doctor was in the late morning, which meant that a post-lunch jaunt down to Petrie Road's Level B Maintenance section was on my schedule for the afternoon.
I was planing on testing the new Pirelli Cinturato H Gravel tires which are on the HED wheels I have. Those are mounted to the Black Mountain Cycles MCD and those are the wheels which have been giving me a problem of late. I maybe mentioned here earlier that the rear wheel was loose and a quick tightening of the rear through axle seemed to solve that problem. However; the issue cropped up again on Tuesday so.......what?! How the heck does that happen? Well, once I mentioned it to Andy at work Tuesday he made an astute diagnosis. He said he thought it could be that the end caps on the axle were unthreading and that a quick re tightening of that would help.
So, before I was to head out Wednesday I tried that idea out and - indeed - the axle end caps were loose. A couple of 15mm cone wrenches and some torque later and I was good to go. So, with the temperatures comfortably into the 60's and light breezes about, I didn't have to fret too much about clothing. That's a nice change! Spring is starting to turn the corner toward Summer.
That field to the right has a lot of corn poking through its surface now.
It was a stunning day out for a bicycle ride.
Getting rolling out from Prairie Grove Park, I headed out my 'normal' direction to get to Petrie Road and dirt. I usually go East to West on Petrie because it is easier and a well worn path in my brain. Coming at it from the West is possible, of course, but going South on Holmes Road isn't my most favorite thing, I cannot say why. Especially since I often come back on Holmes going the opposite direction and that never seems to get old.
Weird. I guess old habits die young. Anyway, as I got going South on Ansborough, I saw a quick movement in the left side ditch. I caught sight of two small foxes, likely still kits, judging by their size. While one dove for the cover of a small culvert in heavy grass, the other paused to watch me roll on by. Cute little devils! I think that's my first time for seeing immature foxes in Iowa. I see plenty of grown ones around though.
There were a few wet spots yet from last weekend's rains.
Looking South down Aker Road.
I found the Level B section to have quite the varied state of conditions. Dry, fist sized rocks start things out and then quickly turn to sand, which can be treacherous or compacted enough to be no problem. This time the sand was present but the Cinturatos seem to deal with it rather well. After this it is a lot of rutted out dirt and clay with spots where water is still pooled up. Then a steep descent and down into some clay and black earth flats where more water is sitting. I actually biffed it down in the West end of the road when my front tire washed out on some slimy, muddy earth.
I tumbled off the bike harmlessly into some tall grasses on the left side of the roadway. I quickly popped back up laughing at my situation. The bike was fine, just a bit muddy. No big deal! I gingerly remounted and carried on. It didn't take long for my legs and left arm to start itching from the contact with the grasses. I haven't fallen in grass for a while so the sensation was a bit sharper this time. Nothing serious, just annoying.
Patterns in the field and in the sky.
A quick stop to listen to the birds in the trees on the banks of Prescott's Creek.
So the ride was a success. I found out what I needed to know about the Cinturato tires. (Review coming soon on
RidingGravel.com) Then it was time to pack the bike up in the SUV, (I swapped vehicles with Mrs. Guitar Ted for the day), and onward to home. It was one of those days I wished that I could have ridden all day. The weather was near to perfection. Not 'too' anything. Just the right amounts of all the things.
Glad to have gotten out at all, really. This weekend is shaping up to be a soggy affair. We will see......
So it appears like many other brands the Cinturato is not a mud tire. Glad things turned out A- OK. Some times stuff like that just happens in the blink of an eye. Yeee Hah !!!
@baric - You are correct. The Cinturato H Gravel is definitely NOT a mud tire! :>)
That's a great ride on a great day!
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