Raleigh CX SS Update: The Rainier is getting worked on now again that I have most of my parts gathered. I started building up the wheels late yesterday, the bottom bracket and cranks are on the frame, the seat post, stem, and front chain ring is in and ready to be installed. I gt some brakes, some levers, and a handle bar. Still have to decide on tires and bar wrap along with some minor details. I hope to have this up and running by the weekend.
The Misfit : The Misfit Psycles Dissent is done and that will get ridden now that our temps are getting live able again. I know that there have been "windows" of warmer (If you can call slightly above zero "warmer) weather and some folks are riding gravels, but my timing for getting out at those particular times has been off. It looks as though it will all come together Saturday morning though, so that is my aim for now.
Public Service Announcement: If you haven't noticed, there was an individual that decided to pump up my comment count to an all time high yesterday. My advice is to not leave any comments here until I can get that cleared up. I also wouldn't bother looking at the comment section for yesterday or probably today. (There won't be anything worth reading there) I won't be checking the comments until I have regained control of the function. (Lesson: Write down your passwords for little used computer functions) After that is cleared up, I'll give the high sign here that comments will be moderated. Too bad that it has to be that way, but there it is........
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a great Thursday folks and ride a bike if you can. (Of whatever wheel size!)
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