Salsa Cycles Fargo Page
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Aftermath and the Planning
The funny thing is, in the literally thousands of gravel road recon miles I have done, this has never happened before. Was it the vehicle? Nope...........couldn't have been. Just a weekend prior to this I put in 1250 miles of travel in the same vehicle. I used it for part of last years recon too. No, it was the severity of the roads. Put that into your thinkerer as you contemplate Trans Iowa this year.
A little ibuprofen did the trick for me though I still feel it this morning. I thought I was going to be able to catch up with Captain Bob for a spin yesterday but I thought better of it due to the back issue. I went down to the Lab for a while instead to start the process of bike set up and choices for Dirty Kanza.
I have more than one choice for a bike for this gig. (A great blessing and luxury, I admit). I am primarily concerned with comfort, ability to carry water, and comfort. Did I mention the bike needs to be comfortable? Uhh.........okay, why so much emphasis on comfort? Well, let me tell you; Dirty Kanza is rife with some of the roughest gravel around. Iowa gravel shudders in fear when Kansas gravel is mentioned. Really, it is pretty dang rough down there. So I am considering what 200 miles of pounding will potentially do and I am thinking comfort, okay?
This leads me to four rigs in the stable: The Blackbuck, the Pofahl, the Badger, and the venerable Dos Niner. Problem #1: I signed up for the single speed class. The Dos and the Badger are geared specific bikes, so a single speed conversion and chain tensioner would be necessary. Not the most preferred set up, that's for sure. The Dos is interesting for the soft tail aspect and the Badger is interesting for its uber comfy drop bar style.
The Pofahl may be a great choice, but I'm still dialing in the cockpit on that one. I may not have time to get that right and train on top of it. The Blackbuck is a possibility with it's superior water carrying capability and it has a pretty nice steel frame for comfort. I am currently playing with set up on it though, as well, so it may be nixed unless a suitable set up is hit upon.
So, the bike is still up in the air yet and what will shake out should be pretty interesting. I have parts coming to experiment with and some parts already here. The coming weeks should prove interesting with results and more fiddling. Stay tuned!
The Aftermath and the Planning
The funny thing is, in the literally thousands of gravel road recon miles I have done, this has never happened before. Was it the vehicle? Nope...........couldn't have been. Just a weekend prior to this I put in 1250 miles of travel in the same vehicle. I used it for part of last years recon too. No, it was the severity of the roads. Put that into your thinkerer as you contemplate Trans Iowa this year.
A little ibuprofen did the trick for me though I still feel it this morning. I thought I was going to be able to catch up with Captain Bob for a spin yesterday but I thought better of it due to the back issue. I went down to the Lab for a while instead to start the process of bike set up and choices for Dirty Kanza.
I have more than one choice for a bike for this gig. (A great blessing and luxury, I admit). I am primarily concerned with comfort, ability to carry water, and comfort. Did I mention the bike needs to be comfortable? Uhh.........okay, why so much emphasis on comfort? Well, let me tell you; Dirty Kanza is rife with some of the roughest gravel around. Iowa gravel shudders in fear when Kansas gravel is mentioned. Really, it is pretty dang rough down there. So I am considering what 200 miles of pounding will potentially do and I am thinking comfort, okay?
This leads me to four rigs in the stable: The Blackbuck, the Pofahl, the Badger, and the venerable Dos Niner. Problem #1: I signed up for the single speed class. The Dos and the Badger are geared specific bikes, so a single speed conversion and chain tensioner would be necessary. Not the most preferred set up, that's for sure. The Dos is interesting for the soft tail aspect and the Badger is interesting for its uber comfy drop bar style.
The Pofahl may be a great choice, but I'm still dialing in the cockpit on that one. I may not have time to get that right and train on top of it. The Blackbuck is a possibility with it's superior water carrying capability and it has a pretty nice steel frame for comfort. I am currently playing with set up on it though, as well, so it may be nixed unless a suitable set up is hit upon.
So, the bike is still up in the air yet and what will shake out should be pretty interesting. I have parts coming to experiment with and some parts already here. The coming weeks should prove interesting with results and more fiddling. Stay tuned!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Trans Iowa V4 Recon In Photos

<===One of several downhills
Let's see: 431 miles and fourteen hours on the road today to get this course dialed. How many downhills did we drive? Lots!
But as you all know, for every downhill there is an accompanying uphill section.

<===One of several uphill slogs.
So, how many uphills did we drive today?
Get ready for Trans Iowa V4 folks. The toughest one yet!

<===Some roads were just barely passable.
Road conditions varied all over the place from absolutely perfecto gravel- faster and smoother than last year- to absolutely horrendous. And everything inbetween.
Let's say about half the course is suffering from the effects of snow yet, and this less than a month away from the start!

<===Tunnel vision on March 29th? Yep, you betcha!
Much of the course is lined with snow taller than my SUV that we drove today. This snow is keeping the roads saturated by melting everyday a bit and re-freezing at night.
Will it all be gone by April 26th? Probably, but the effects may still be lingering. Consider that farm equpment has yet to hit the fields and you can see why some of these roads will have no time to recover from the ravages of this past winter. Some of the roads we traveled looked as if they had been bombed for all the potholes in them. We're talking miles of this sort of thing.

<===We saw Wisconsin, Minnesota, and a whole lot of Iowa today. What will you see on T.I.V4?
I thought I'd be nice and give you all a parting shot of what you will likely miss because it will be dark out when you pass through here.
Such a shame! We saw some beautiful vistas today!
What you will see: About 75% of the course is what I would consider hilly or worse. You won't see a lot of open convenience stores. You will see "B" roads. You will see places cars can not go. You will see evidence of wheeled vehicles not powered by "typical" means. (You might even see these vehicles in action) You will see two track and gravel roads four lanes wide. You will see cool bridges. You will see lots of cemeteries. If you finish, you will have seen the longest T.I. course ever.
I often said to d.p. today that I have never seen the course roads in worse condition previous to a Trans Iowa. I also noted how hard it was to drive a lot of this course. You could put on a seriously cool rally on these roads, they are that challenging to drive.
Anyway, we'll have some details on mileage and course checkpoints, time cut offs and supply notes soon. Stay Tuned!
Trans Iowa V4 Recon In Photos

<===One of several downhills
Let's see: 431 miles and fourteen hours on the road today to get this course dialed. How many downhills did we drive? Lots!
But as you all know, for every downhill there is an accompanying uphill section.

<===One of several uphill slogs.
So, how many uphills did we drive today?
Get ready for Trans Iowa V4 folks. The toughest one yet!

<===Some roads were just barely passable.
Road conditions varied all over the place from absolutely perfecto gravel- faster and smoother than last year- to absolutely horrendous. And everything inbetween.
Let's say about half the course is suffering from the effects of snow yet, and this less than a month away from the start!

<===Tunnel vision on March 29th? Yep, you betcha!
Much of the course is lined with snow taller than my SUV that we drove today. This snow is keeping the roads saturated by melting everyday a bit and re-freezing at night.
Will it all be gone by April 26th? Probably, but the effects may still be lingering. Consider that farm equpment has yet to hit the fields and you can see why some of these roads will have no time to recover from the ravages of this past winter. Some of the roads we traveled looked as if they had been bombed for all the potholes in them. We're talking miles of this sort of thing.

<===We saw Wisconsin, Minnesota, and a whole lot of Iowa today. What will you see on T.I.V4?
I thought I'd be nice and give you all a parting shot of what you will likely miss because it will be dark out when you pass through here.
Such a shame! We saw some beautiful vistas today!
What you will see: About 75% of the course is what I would consider hilly or worse. You won't see a lot of open convenience stores. You will see "B" roads. You will see places cars can not go. You will see evidence of wheeled vehicles not powered by "typical" means. (You might even see these vehicles in action) You will see two track and gravel roads four lanes wide. You will see cool bridges. You will see lots of cemeteries. If you finish, you will have seen the longest T.I. course ever.
I often said to d.p. today that I have never seen the course roads in worse condition previous to a Trans Iowa. I also noted how hard it was to drive a lot of this course. You could put on a seriously cool rally on these roads, they are that challenging to drive.
Anyway, we'll have some details on mileage and course checkpoints, time cut offs and supply notes soon. Stay Tuned!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Friday News And Views
Anyway, I see where Cameron Chambers, Travis Brown, and Keith Bontrager are all scheduled to line up there on May 31st. As I said on, you better get your "hellos" in at the start line, 'cause these guys will be smokin'. Should be a fun time though.
Banned From Public School!: I work with a guy at the bike shop that is also a teacher at one of the public high schools in our fair city. He tells me that he is a regular readed of this blog. He informed me the other day that the school has blocked this site on the computers at school. Hmmm..............must be my rebelious nature, or my subversive message.....whatever. Maybe they are afraid he's wasting time or something, I don't know. Anyway, a dubious honor, I'm sure. Bicycles are kind of scary and dangerous. I would be afraid.......very afraid!
Sea Otter, Here I Come!: I got my itenerary for Sea Otter yesterday. I'll be flying out of Dead Moyne this time. WooHoo! This event is pretty fun. I recommend it to anyone that is into cycling of any discipline. Where else can you go to that has a huge expo, demo bikes, pro road and mountain bike events going on at the same time, and about a gazillion cycling freaks walking/riding everywhere you look? Yeah, it is a circus and the weather can suck, but there is nothing else like it. Bad thing: It happens the week before Trans Iowa. Yeah.......I'll be bushed at the end of April!
Have a great weekend and ride yer bikes!
Friday News And Views
Anyway, I see where Cameron Chambers, Travis Brown, and Keith Bontrager are all scheduled to line up there on May 31st. As I said on, you better get your "hellos" in at the start line, 'cause these guys will be smokin'. Should be a fun time though.
Banned From Public School!: I work with a guy at the bike shop that is also a teacher at one of the public high schools in our fair city. He tells me that he is a regular readed of this blog. He informed me the other day that the school has blocked this site on the computers at school. Hmmm..............must be my rebelious nature, or my subversive message.....whatever. Maybe they are afraid he's wasting time or something, I don't know. Anyway, a dubious honor, I'm sure. Bicycles are kind of scary and dangerous. I would be afraid.......very afraid!
Sea Otter, Here I Come!: I got my itenerary for Sea Otter yesterday. I'll be flying out of Dead Moyne this time. WooHoo! This event is pretty fun. I recommend it to anyone that is into cycling of any discipline. Where else can you go to that has a huge expo, demo bikes, pro road and mountain bike events going on at the same time, and about a gazillion cycling freaks walking/riding everywhere you look? Yeah, it is a circus and the weather can suck, but there is nothing else like it. Bad thing: It happens the week before Trans Iowa. Yeah.......I'll be bushed at the end of April!
Have a great weekend and ride yer bikes!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Gloves On The Cheap and Other News

<===Dickies makes some nice budget work clothes..........and these gloves.
Just before I left to go to Texas I went shopping for a pair of Mechanix gloves or an equivilant since my hands don't like typical cycling gloves.
I saw these and got them for about $16.00 or so. As a work glove they stink! I mean, how fast do you think that terry cloth thumb area will fill up with grease and dirt? About what.........three seconds? But as a cycling mit it is pure genius. I bet Dickies never dreamed of these as a mountain biking glove.

I searched and found out that the actual company making these for Dickies is some outfit called Fortress. Mmm-kay, whatever. They are cheap and they work...........for me. I don't like cut off finger gloves- make my hands go numb. I don't like a lot of palm padding either, so these fit the bill for me.
Heck, they even do a color
Mr 24 would be proud of!
Trans Iowa really! Seriously! Yes, it has been said before but T.I.V4 recon is upon us for real this time. It has to be! There is only a month to go till this beast gets going and we have to get our ducks in a! (Now watch...........we'll have some freak winter blizzard this weekend because I wrote this!) If and when this happens, (it will) I will post a report and maybe a pic or two. Stay tuned. I am not going to promise anything at this point!
No More Waiting: I posted this on the T.I.V4 site already, but I'll post here as well. The "waiting list" is being shut down. With only a month to go I am finding more people have moved on to focus on other events and the impending work load of T.I.V4 is weighing heavily on my decison to shut it down. I just won't have time to dedicate to taking care of that list anymore. If you were on the list, thanks for your patience and I hope you try again next time.
The Dirt Be Shapin' Up: It's looking as though offroad is going to be happening sooner than later. Winds and fairly dry weather are conspiring to make the dirt shape up pretty fast. I was thinking it would take a long time for this winter to shake off but it appears that we are well on our way to riding dirt sooner than I would have thought possible. I'll be doing some exploratory poking around in town here and others are going to be peeking here and there in the woods to see how things are coming along. It won't be long though, I'll bet, and we'll be out riding the trails again.
Gloves On The Cheap and Other News

<===Dickies makes some nice budget work clothes..........and these gloves.
Just before I left to go to Texas I went shopping for a pair of Mechanix gloves or an equivilant since my hands don't like typical cycling gloves.
I saw these and got them for about $16.00 or so. As a work glove they stink! I mean, how fast do you think that terry cloth thumb area will fill up with grease and dirt? About what.........three seconds? But as a cycling mit it is pure genius. I bet Dickies never dreamed of these as a mountain biking glove.

I searched and found out that the actual company making these for Dickies is some outfit called Fortress. Mmm-kay, whatever. They are cheap and they work...........for me. I don't like cut off finger gloves- make my hands go numb. I don't like a lot of palm padding either, so these fit the bill for me.
Heck, they even do a color
Mr 24 would be proud of!
Trans Iowa really! Seriously! Yes, it has been said before but T.I.V4 recon is upon us for real this time. It has to be! There is only a month to go till this beast gets going and we have to get our ducks in a! (Now watch...........we'll have some freak winter blizzard this weekend because I wrote this!) If and when this happens, (it will) I will post a report and maybe a pic or two. Stay tuned. I am not going to promise anything at this point!
No More Waiting: I posted this on the T.I.V4 site already, but I'll post here as well. The "waiting list" is being shut down. With only a month to go I am finding more people have moved on to focus on other events and the impending work load of T.I.V4 is weighing heavily on my decison to shut it down. I just won't have time to dedicate to taking care of that list anymore. If you were on the list, thanks for your patience and I hope you try again next time.
The Dirt Be Shapin' Up: It's looking as though offroad is going to be happening sooner than later. Winds and fairly dry weather are conspiring to make the dirt shape up pretty fast. I was thinking it would take a long time for this winter to shake off but it appears that we are well on our way to riding dirt sooner than I would have thought possible. I'll be doing some exploratory poking around in town here and others are going to be peeking here and there in the woods to see how things are coming along. It won't be long though, I'll bet, and we'll be out riding the trails again.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ergon BD 2 Update

<===The BD 2 after about eight months of constant use
I have had this very early production version of the Ergon BD 2 back pack since last summer and I have been thrashing it ever since. It's seen daily commuting use, mountain biking, long rides, and it's been in Nevada and Texas deserts. Rain, snow, and wind have not been strangers either. Here's an update on how it has been performing so far.
The BD 2 is the larger of Ergon's bicycle oriented back packs. It can hold a 100 oz. bladder with ease and a bunch of your gear as well. I have had it loaded down with upwards of 30lbs of stuff before and it rides great with even that much weight on board.
Generally though, it's just a full load of water, some nutrition, a few tools, spare tube, CO2 inflater, hand pump, shock pump, and maybe a few other sundry items. I always have room to spare. I'm quite confident that given the right equipment and a bit more organization, I could find room for some outerwear and more stuff necessary for multi-day epics. I have on a couple occaisions carried the full 100 oz of water with three extra water bottles! Anyway, the point is, you can carry a whole lotta stuff in a BD 2 if you need/want to.

<====My solution to a small problem
I have had great experiences with the BD 2 so far, but I have also experienced a couple noteworthy exceptions. One is the chest strap. It attaches on either side of each shoulder strap in front by a means of a plastic clip that is crimped on the edges of the shoulder straps. One of these popped loose at Interbike's Outdoor Demo last fall. While I was able to have it quickly and expertly repaired at Ergon's booth at the demo, an in the field failure would necessitate some other solution. Well, that's exactly what ended up happening to me later that fall. I simply looped around the shoulder straps webbing with the loose end of the chest strap. Voila'! No more worries since then.

<===It hasn't been a problem.........yet!
Another glitch with some early iterations of the BD series packs was a Flink bolt that backs out and separates the pack from the framework that straps to your upper body. See that shiny bolt head in the pic at the left? That's the guy! I have a replacement bolt that cures the problem, but I haven't installed mine yet. (I know, I know......bad boy!) However; I haven't needed to. I have it in the backpack waiting on the day when I finally break down, ( or the back pack breaks down!) and install the thing. I suppose I ought to do it, but I have only had to tighten the bolt twice and I am aware that it backs out, so I check it regularly. Anyway, the point is that if you already have an Ergon BD series pack and it was an early version, you can get a free replacement bolt from Ergon by contacting them.
Overall my impression is that the Ergon BD 2 is a great back pack/hydration system (You have to supply your own bladder) that can carry almost anything reasonably needed for serious rides to epic adventures. It is reasonably durable, well thought out, and beyond some quirky pockets and the chest strap issue, it has been flawless for me. I would highly recommend it based solely on how it rides with a load on it. The fact that it performs well above and beyond that fact is a bonus. If you don't need all that room, the BD 1 is also basically the same pack with a smaller carrying volume.
For those of you looking for something even more extreme/waterproof, the new BC 3 is coming soon. I've seen early versions of this pack and it looks killer! Commuters or serious multi-day riders need to check this baby out.
Ergon BD 2 Update

<===The BD 2 after about eight months of constant use
I have had this very early production version of the Ergon BD 2 back pack since last summer and I have been thrashing it ever since. It's seen daily commuting use, mountain biking, long rides, and it's been in Nevada and Texas deserts. Rain, snow, and wind have not been strangers either. Here's an update on how it has been performing so far.
The BD 2 is the larger of Ergon's bicycle oriented back packs. It can hold a 100 oz. bladder with ease and a bunch of your gear as well. I have had it loaded down with upwards of 30lbs of stuff before and it rides great with even that much weight on board.
Generally though, it's just a full load of water, some nutrition, a few tools, spare tube, CO2 inflater, hand pump, shock pump, and maybe a few other sundry items. I always have room to spare. I'm quite confident that given the right equipment and a bit more organization, I could find room for some outerwear and more stuff necessary for multi-day epics. I have on a couple occaisions carried the full 100 oz of water with three extra water bottles! Anyway, the point is, you can carry a whole lotta stuff in a BD 2 if you need/want to.

<====My solution to a small problem
I have had great experiences with the BD 2 so far, but I have also experienced a couple noteworthy exceptions. One is the chest strap. It attaches on either side of each shoulder strap in front by a means of a plastic clip that is crimped on the edges of the shoulder straps. One of these popped loose at Interbike's Outdoor Demo last fall. While I was able to have it quickly and expertly repaired at Ergon's booth at the demo, an in the field failure would necessitate some other solution. Well, that's exactly what ended up happening to me later that fall. I simply looped around the shoulder straps webbing with the loose end of the chest strap. Voila'! No more worries since then.

<===It hasn't been a problem.........yet!
Another glitch with some early iterations of the BD series packs was a Flink bolt that backs out and separates the pack from the framework that straps to your upper body. See that shiny bolt head in the pic at the left? That's the guy! I have a replacement bolt that cures the problem, but I haven't installed mine yet. (I know, I know......bad boy!) However; I haven't needed to. I have it in the backpack waiting on the day when I finally break down, ( or the back pack breaks down!) and install the thing. I suppose I ought to do it, but I have only had to tighten the bolt twice and I am aware that it backs out, so I check it regularly. Anyway, the point is that if you already have an Ergon BD series pack and it was an early version, you can get a free replacement bolt from Ergon by contacting them.
Overall my impression is that the Ergon BD 2 is a great back pack/hydration system (You have to supply your own bladder) that can carry almost anything reasonably needed for serious rides to epic adventures. It is reasonably durable, well thought out, and beyond some quirky pockets and the chest strap issue, it has been flawless for me. I would highly recommend it based solely on how it rides with a load on it. The fact that it performs well above and beyond that fact is a bonus. If you don't need all that room, the BD 1 is also basically the same pack with a smaller carrying volume.
For those of you looking for something even more extreme/waterproof, the new BC 3 is coming soon. I've seen early versions of this pack and it looks killer! Commuters or serious multi-day riders need to check this baby out.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tubeless Update: All's Well So Far.....
Well, the wheels both exhibited similar air holding capabilities. It seemed that everytime I checked throughout the week that both sets would lose about the same amount of air, or not. Sometimes it seemed that they would stabilize. Weird. Anyway, it was obvious that there was no real distinction there and that both sets were holding air rather well.
Performance was really good with both wheel sets. I never experienced any burping or any negative sensations while on the bike. Both sets did not flat during the trip, which was my main goal. If I had flatted, or if I ever do, it is going to be a big mess because I've got plenty of sealant in each tire. Well, that might be if they were to flat in the near future. Later on the sealant may dry up, I don't know, but I've heard of this. I plan on doing a little maintenance check on these in a month, maybe two.
So, as of now everything is great. I can't say as I feel any sort of rolling resistance advantages. I have a test planned though that might help me to see if there is anything to this. I'm thinking it is a negligible, if any difference from a tubed set up, but we'll see. Air pressure can be lowered, true, but I can and have run rediculously low pressures with tubed set ups, so I don't see the big deal here either. The interesting thing I found was that rolling resistance increased on par with tubed set ups when I lowered the pressure on one of my tubeless set ups. They felt no different to me than a low pressure tubed set up, so again, I just don't see any advantage there. Maybe a pinch flat could be avoided, and that's the only thing I can think of.
In the end I can only say that the systems I'm using will hopefully prevent any punctures from becoming flat tires. Other than that I am not convinced there is any sort of advantage to tubeless mountain bike tires right now. I'll keep riding and testing though to see if I'm missing something here, so stay tuned. So far, so good.................
Tubeless Update: All's Well So Far.....
Well, the wheels both exhibited similar air holding capabilities. It seemed that everytime I checked throughout the week that both sets would lose about the same amount of air, or not. Sometimes it seemed that they would stabilize. Weird. Anyway, it was obvious that there was no real distinction there and that both sets were holding air rather well.
Performance was really good with both wheel sets. I never experienced any burping or any negative sensations while on the bike. Both sets did not flat during the trip, which was my main goal. If I had flatted, or if I ever do, it is going to be a big mess because I've got plenty of sealant in each tire. Well, that might be if they were to flat in the near future. Later on the sealant may dry up, I don't know, but I've heard of this. I plan on doing a little maintenance check on these in a month, maybe two.
So, as of now everything is great. I can't say as I feel any sort of rolling resistance advantages. I have a test planned though that might help me to see if there is anything to this. I'm thinking it is a negligible, if any difference from a tubed set up, but we'll see. Air pressure can be lowered, true, but I can and have run rediculously low pressures with tubed set ups, so I don't see the big deal here either. The interesting thing I found was that rolling resistance increased on par with tubed set ups when I lowered the pressure on one of my tubeless set ups. They felt no different to me than a low pressure tubed set up, so again, I just don't see any advantage there. Maybe a pinch flat could be avoided, and that's the only thing I can think of.
In the end I can only say that the systems I'm using will hopefully prevent any punctures from becoming flat tires. Other than that I am not convinced there is any sort of advantage to tubeless mountain bike tires right now. I'll keep riding and testing though to see if I'm missing something here, so stay tuned. So far, so good.................
Monday, March 24, 2008
Back In The Saddle

<===Surrealistic view: The Flint Hills at dawn Easter Sunday.
Back home and back to the routine again. Reflecting back on what just happened is a bit tough yet. My brain being addled from 24 hours of travel over two days time. Yep, 1239.3 miles to be exact.
The two bikes I took down both did fantastic jobs with the severe terrain I rode them on. Of course, as I have said, the Siren Song may have been a crazy choice as a single speed bike, but it was still a load of fun. I would highly recommend it as a platform for a single speed endurance machine. Oh so smoooooth! The Hi Fi was equally as satisfying. I was really glad I had full suspension bikes at my disposal for this trip. It is really what you need to have on the technical trails of Franklin Mountain State Park. While I love my rigid front/hardtail rear 29"ers, I wouldn't want to have to ride one down there. It's waaay too rough and rocky. At least for my ol' body it is!
So, I am back in Iowa and while it may not be very warm, at least almost all the snow is gone and it looks as though trail conditions will be improving. Right now I'm sure everything is a bit soggy, but with time it should start to come around. That's good because I have to get started riding again for several reasons, not least of which is the upcoming Dirty Kanza 200 which will be held where today's photograph was taken. It may not look like much there, but the camera only captures the tops of the hills. There is a lot more going on out there than the eye can see from I-35, I'll tell you that much! You might be very, very surprised!
While it's good to be back, I'll just be getting busier, so no more time to reflect. It's onwards and upwards from here!
Back In The Saddle

<===Surrealistic view: The Flint Hills at dawn Easter Sunday.
Back home and back to the routine again. Reflecting back on what just happened is a bit tough yet. My brain being addled from 24 hours of travel over two days time. Yep, 1239.3 miles to be exact.
The two bikes I took down both did fantastic jobs with the severe terrain I rode them on. Of course, as I have said, the Siren Song may have been a crazy choice as a single speed bike, but it was still a load of fun. I would highly recommend it as a platform for a single speed endurance machine. Oh so smoooooth! The Hi Fi was equally as satisfying. I was really glad I had full suspension bikes at my disposal for this trip. It is really what you need to have on the technical trails of Franklin Mountain State Park. While I love my rigid front/hardtail rear 29"ers, I wouldn't want to have to ride one down there. It's waaay too rough and rocky. At least for my ol' body it is!
So, I am back in Iowa and while it may not be very warm, at least almost all the snow is gone and it looks as though trail conditions will be improving. Right now I'm sure everything is a bit soggy, but with time it should start to come around. That's good because I have to get started riding again for several reasons, not least of which is the upcoming Dirty Kanza 200 which will be held where today's photograph was taken. It may not look like much there, but the camera only captures the tops of the hills. There is a lot more going on out there than the eye can see from I-35, I'll tell you that much! You might be very, very surprised!
While it's good to be back, I'll just be getting busier, so no more time to reflect. It's onwards and upwards from here!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Last Day In The Desert
But now it is time to buckle down and get to driving back towards home. The "big chunk" will be tomorrow- 700 plus miles in one day with two kids. Then Sunday it'll be the home stretch with around 500 miles on tap. That is if all goes well. Let's hope it does.
Today we went to an amusement park where the rides, for the most part, were the same as they were 40 years ago. It was weird watching my kids ride stuff I rode when I was a little guy. Kind of a time warp thing. Anyway, it was hot and sunny, I was getting tired, and I forgot that I was in charge of Mrs. Guitar Ted's purse and walked away from a picnic table it was under. About 50 paces away it dawned on me that I left it there. Sure enough, it was gone!
Well, we found out where the office was and asked a young lady if they had seen it. To our amazement and relief, it was there. Apparently a sharp eyed employee saw it and took it to the main office immediately. We were only without the purse for fifteen minutes max, but that was some stress I didn't need! Last year I forgot Mrs. Guitar Ted's suitcase with her and the kids clothes, this year I lost her purse. Not a very good track record!
Well, if that is all the drama we incur on this trip, that'll be enough for me.
See ya all back in Iowa soon!
Last Day In The Desert
But now it is time to buckle down and get to driving back towards home. The "big chunk" will be tomorrow- 700 plus miles in one day with two kids. Then Sunday it'll be the home stretch with around 500 miles on tap. That is if all goes well. Let's hope it does.
Today we went to an amusement park where the rides, for the most part, were the same as they were 40 years ago. It was weird watching my kids ride stuff I rode when I was a little guy. Kind of a time warp thing. Anyway, it was hot and sunny, I was getting tired, and I forgot that I was in charge of Mrs. Guitar Ted's purse and walked away from a picnic table it was under. About 50 paces away it dawned on me that I left it there. Sure enough, it was gone!
Well, we found out where the office was and asked a young lady if they had seen it. To our amazement and relief, it was there. Apparently a sharp eyed employee saw it and took it to the main office immediately. We were only without the purse for fifteen minutes max, but that was some stress I didn't need! Last year I forgot Mrs. Guitar Ted's suitcase with her and the kids clothes, this year I lost her purse. Not a very good track record!
Well, if that is all the drama we incur on this trip, that'll be enough for me.
See ya all back in Iowa soon!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Desert Photo Dump

<====A loose rocky ascent around some unfriendly vege!

Desert Photo Dump

<====A loose rocky ascent around some unfriendly vege!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Flying Rocks
Anyway, it was back after it on the Fisher HiFi Deluxe today on Franklin Mountain. The timing was right so I went for it. I did the same loop for testing purposes that I had done on Monday. The funny thing was, this time I had gears and man! Did it ever make a difference! I smoked the loop in half the time it took on the single speed. Of course, some of that was trail familiarity, but a lot of it was being able to get into a low gear and grind over stuff I was walking up on the single speed.
I'll be honest, the single speed thing here was a killer! I really got beat down from working myself so hard. The climbs are steep, but compounded by loose rocks, step ups, and cactus avoidance. I ended up walking a fair bit. That was where it took a longer time on the SS for sure.
Today was different. Right off the bat I was carrying far more speed and climbing much more of what I had walked just two days ago. Still, there were some sections that would necessitate my having some more practice time to clean. I am confident I could make the whole loop with more riding time. The thing is, I was being cautious because I was riding in some dangerous terrain alone. One small mistake could have ended up being a very bad situation.
Well, the Fisher Hi Fi was a blast! I was cruising along at a clip that was almost too fast for a newbie to these parts. I had to reel it back in a few times. The last section of trail I rode was called Cory's Quarry. Man, did the name ever fit! Wait until you see the pics I got. Anyway, the rocks were big, loose, and everywhere. I had fist sized rocks flying up and hitting the bike and one nailed me in the shin. No harm done, but that isn't what I like to see in my peripheral vision- rocks that ought not to be airborne flying up in close proximity to my tender bits!
So, I really enjoyed today's ride and it was a great way to cap off the riding part of my vacation. I am dedicating the rest of the time here to family, so no more rides till I'm back in Iowa. Too bad! It's absolutely beautiful and epic riding here.
Flying Rocks
Anyway, it was back after it on the Fisher HiFi Deluxe today on Franklin Mountain. The timing was right so I went for it. I did the same loop for testing purposes that I had done on Monday. The funny thing was, this time I had gears and man! Did it ever make a difference! I smoked the loop in half the time it took on the single speed. Of course, some of that was trail familiarity, but a lot of it was being able to get into a low gear and grind over stuff I was walking up on the single speed.
I'll be honest, the single speed thing here was a killer! I really got beat down from working myself so hard. The climbs are steep, but compounded by loose rocks, step ups, and cactus avoidance. I ended up walking a fair bit. That was where it took a longer time on the SS for sure.
Today was different. Right off the bat I was carrying far more speed and climbing much more of what I had walked just two days ago. Still, there were some sections that would necessitate my having some more practice time to clean. I am confident I could make the whole loop with more riding time. The thing is, I was being cautious because I was riding in some dangerous terrain alone. One small mistake could have ended up being a very bad situation.
Well, the Fisher Hi Fi was a blast! I was cruising along at a clip that was almost too fast for a newbie to these parts. I had to reel it back in a few times. The last section of trail I rode was called Cory's Quarry. Man, did the name ever fit! Wait until you see the pics I got. Anyway, the rocks were big, loose, and everywhere. I had fist sized rocks flying up and hitting the bike and one nailed me in the shin. No harm done, but that isn't what I like to see in my peripheral vision- rocks that ought not to be airborne flying up in close proximity to my tender bits!
So, I really enjoyed today's ride and it was a great way to cap off the riding part of my vacation. I am dedicating the rest of the time here to family, so no more rides till I'm back in Iowa. Too bad! It's absolutely beautiful and epic riding here.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Day Of Ease

<===Visited some local bike shops incognito!
Well, after yesterdays sufferfest, I took today off for some recovery and to await the forecasted warmer temperatures for Wednesday. (70's for high temps) Less wind too, not that it is a problem, but hopefully less dust will be in the air. I inhaled my fair share on Monday, that's for sure!
Anyway, we all got out and just hit up some shops and took in some of the local scenery.

We didn't really do a whole lot but hang out with each other and it was great not to have any schedules or places we had to go. I played outside with the kids for awhile and now they are seeing a kids movie with Mrs. Guitar Ted whilst I type at my snail like pace on here and elsewhere.

That about does it for today. Tomorrow will be something else. Maybe a ride, maybe some other tom-foolery. Who knows and who cares. It's vacation, right?
Day Of Ease

<===Visited some local bike shops incognito!
Well, after yesterdays sufferfest, I took today off for some recovery and to await the forecasted warmer temperatures for Wednesday. (70's for high temps) Less wind too, not that it is a problem, but hopefully less dust will be in the air. I inhaled my fair share on Monday, that's for sure!
Anyway, we all got out and just hit up some shops and took in some of the local scenery.

We didn't really do a whole lot but hang out with each other and it was great not to have any schedules or places we had to go. I played outside with the kids for awhile and now they are seeing a kids movie with Mrs. Guitar Ted whilst I type at my snail like pace on here and elsewhere.

That about does it for today. Tomorrow will be something else. Maybe a ride, maybe some other tom-foolery. Who knows and who cares. It's vacation, right?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Some Dusty Trail Photos
<===The Siren Song in quiet desert repose.
Well, the desert southwest is warm and sunny at a balmy 64 degrees today. Wind kept me in tights and a long sleeved jersey over a short sleeved one though. This mountain biking scene here may not be totally hopping, but it is awesome riding and pretty dang technical.
<=== Looking back down the trail you can see the weathered and broken exposed bedrock off camber section. One small misstep and yeeouch!
The trail was as tough as I remembered from last year, loose and rocky with plenty of ascending and descending on narrow single track. Cactus was on the trail in the form of broken off bits with spiky needles still intact. I had to dodge the ones I saw, but the Stan's sealant did it's job and I went three hours without incident.
<===More climbing on exposed bedrock.
There was quite a bit of this broken up exposed bedrock on the trail I rode. It was great until you hit a crack or seam and a gaping hole running crossway on the trail would be waiting to nab your front wheel and throw you down. I missed any crashing today. Believe me, I surely didn't want to biff on this trail! Broken bones, ripped flesh, and cactus punture wounds are not high on my list of "fun pain". What was on that list was lung busting climbs, burning thighs, and raw windpipe from all of the dust I breathed in today.
I'll get to sneak out one more time while I'm here, but I'm not sure when. I'll be sportin' four X four inches and 27 gears the next time I'm out though!
More later!
Some Dusty Trail Photos
<===The Siren Song in quiet desert repose.
Well, the desert southwest is warm and sunny at a balmy 64 degrees today. Wind kept me in tights and a long sleeved jersey over a short sleeved one though. This mountain biking scene here may not be totally hopping, but it is awesome riding and pretty dang technical.
<=== Looking back down the trail you can see the weathered and broken exposed bedrock off camber section. One small misstep and yeeouch!
The trail was as tough as I remembered from last year, loose and rocky with plenty of ascending and descending on narrow single track. Cactus was on the trail in the form of broken off bits with spiky needles still intact. I had to dodge the ones I saw, but the Stan's sealant did it's job and I went three hours without incident.
<===More climbing on exposed bedrock.
There was quite a bit of this broken up exposed bedrock on the trail I rode. It was great until you hit a crack or seam and a gaping hole running crossway on the trail would be waiting to nab your front wheel and throw you down. I missed any crashing today. Believe me, I surely didn't want to biff on this trail! Broken bones, ripped flesh, and cactus punture wounds are not high on my list of "fun pain". What was on that list was lung busting climbs, burning thighs, and raw windpipe from all of the dust I breathed in today.
I'll get to sneak out one more time while I'm here, but I'm not sure when. I'll be sportin' four X four inches and 27 gears the next time I'm out though!
More later!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sand Storm!
So, I am planning to get a big helping of Franklin Mountain sometime while I'm down here on board the two bikes I brought down. When exactly that will be is yet to be determined, but plans are being co-ordinated now and it will happen. Hopefully the sand storm is over or it will have to wait until it is. Winds blow pretty strong and steady down here when they blow.
That's it for tonight. Stay tuned for irregular updates throughout the week.
Sand Storm!
So, I am planning to get a big helping of Franklin Mountain sometime while I'm down here on board the two bikes I brought down. When exactly that will be is yet to be determined, but plans are being co-ordinated now and it will happen. Hopefully the sand storm is over or it will have to wait until it is. Winds blow pretty strong and steady down here when they blow.
That's it for tonight. Stay tuned for irregular updates throughout the week.
Halfway There
New Mexico may be a treat as the winds are forecast to gust in excess of 50 mph on the way. Mountains + wind + long drive = not much fun! We'll see.
I have some pics to post but that'll come later when I get to El Paso, so stay tuned!
Halfway There
New Mexico may be a treat as the winds are forecast to gust in excess of 50 mph on the way. Mountains + wind + long drive = not much fun! We'll see.
I have some pics to post but that'll come later when I get to El Paso, so stay tuned!
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Players

Well, here are the bikes that are going on the trip to Texas, (that is if the car is done today like they said it would be!) Anywho......The Siren Song single speed is set to roll. Race Face crank, 33T ring, 22T Surly cog, Chris King hubs, Stan's Flow rims with Continental Mountain King 2.4" tires mounted tubeless with Stan's. Magura Louise disc brakes, Thomson post WTB saddle, Syntace bar and stem. Cane Creek AD 5 shock, Reba fork. Ergon grips for the mits.

And the other bike- The Fisher Hi Fi Deluxe with mostly SRAM drivetrain gear with the exception of the LX Hollow Tech two piece crank. I swapped the wheels over to the Bontrager Race X Lite Tubeless Ready set, (Not shown) and mounted Dry X tires tubeless with Slime sealant for tubeless tires. The only other change from stock was to mount Ergon Grips to the bars for my mits comfort and control.
So, all is a go as long as the body shop holds it's end of the deal up. I sure hope so, because if we have to wait until Monday to leave, we are not going. It takes two days with the kids to get to El Paso, and leaving Monday to turn around and come back Saturday is not an option. So, at this late hour I'm still left in the dark as to whether or not I am going to actually get to Texas. I've had run ins with body shops all through out my life. Just another reason why cars and trucks suck. But that's another post.........
Stay tuned.......if I actually get out of town, I'll post a on the road report late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Otherwise, I'll post right away again tomorrow with the bad news. So if you don't see a new post here tomorrow, you'll know we're outta here.
The Players

Well, here are the bikes that are going on the trip to Texas, (that is if the car is done today like they said it would be!) Anywho......The Siren Song single speed is set to roll. Race Face crank, 33T ring, 22T Surly cog, Chris King hubs, Stan's Flow rims with Continental Mountain King 2.4" tires mounted tubeless with Stan's. Magura Louise disc brakes, Thomson post WTB saddle, Syntace bar and stem. Cane Creek AD 5 shock, Reba fork. Ergon grips for the mits.

And the other bike- The Fisher Hi Fi Deluxe with mostly SRAM drivetrain gear with the exception of the LX Hollow Tech two piece crank. I swapped the wheels over to the Bontrager Race X Lite Tubeless Ready set, (Not shown) and mounted Dry X tires tubeless with Slime sealant for tubeless tires. The only other change from stock was to mount Ergon Grips to the bars for my mits comfort and control.
So, all is a go as long as the body shop holds it's end of the deal up. I sure hope so, because if we have to wait until Monday to leave, we are not going. It takes two days with the kids to get to El Paso, and leaving Monday to turn around and come back Saturday is not an option. So, at this late hour I'm still left in the dark as to whether or not I am going to actually get to Texas. I've had run ins with body shops all through out my life. Just another reason why cars and trucks suck. But that's another post.........
Stay tuned.......if I actually get out of town, I'll post a on the road report late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Otherwise, I'll post right away again tomorrow with the bad news. So if you don't see a new post here tomorrow, you'll know we're outta here.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Another Tubeless Success Story
I even had the proper Stan's rims and yellow tape installed, courtesy of Bike 29. So I knew I hadn't ran a foul of some ghetto tubeless rim strip or the wrong rim. Still, something wasn't right.
When I went to Decorah, I inquired of several of the locals about their tubeless set ups, as I knew that they ran them up there to great success. (Notice: the word "success" is coming up a lot here!) I even bought some Stan's milky magic from Deke figuring I would benefit from positive mojo if I did so. I did more research on the inner-web-o-sphere and visited Stan's site trying to put together all the missing pieces.
Well, last night was the night it all came together. The little secret applied here, the homemade applicator I made from a Coke bottle, and the satisfying "pop" of beads setting up all lead to my very own Stan's tubeless conversion success story.
So, does that mean that Guitar Ted will now become assimilated into the masses of devout tubeless believers? Hmm..........well, only if it actually works! That's what this Texas trip is going to prove out to me. If tubeless doesn't leave me stranded, leave me walking miles from my car, and doesn't make me mess with gooey-glop in the dirt while I switch back to a tube trail side then maybe.........just maybe, me love you long time. We'll see about that though.
Until then, I'll test ride the set up from last night and hope we get our car back today, like the body shop promised us. We're still not cleared for take off just yet. Even the best laid plans can go astray. Stay tuned!
Another Tubeless Success Story
I even had the proper Stan's rims and yellow tape installed, courtesy of Bike 29. So I knew I hadn't ran a foul of some ghetto tubeless rim strip or the wrong rim. Still, something wasn't right.
When I went to Decorah, I inquired of several of the locals about their tubeless set ups, as I knew that they ran them up there to great success. (Notice: the word "success" is coming up a lot here!) I even bought some Stan's milky magic from Deke figuring I would benefit from positive mojo if I did so. I did more research on the inner-web-o-sphere and visited Stan's site trying to put together all the missing pieces.
Well, last night was the night it all came together. The little secret applied here, the homemade applicator I made from a Coke bottle, and the satisfying "pop" of beads setting up all lead to my very own Stan's tubeless conversion success story.
So, does that mean that Guitar Ted will now become assimilated into the masses of devout tubeless believers? Hmm..........well, only if it actually works! That's what this Texas trip is going to prove out to me. If tubeless doesn't leave me stranded, leave me walking miles from my car, and doesn't make me mess with gooey-glop in the dirt while I switch back to a tube trail side then maybe.........just maybe, me love you long time. We'll see about that though.
Until then, I'll test ride the set up from last night and hope we get our car back today, like the body shop promised us. We're still not cleared for take off just yet. Even the best laid plans can go astray. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo 2008: DHPT Report

Last evening I made the trek up to Decorah Iowa to talk to the DHPT Decorah Human Powered Trails) at their monthly meeting. I was pretty much the only thing on their agenda for the evening. (Most likely why there was such a low turn out! ) Anyway.....the ideas for this years Ballyhoo were discussed and lots of cool ideas were pitched. We will be having a pretty good time this year, that's for sure!
I won't give away any details right now as there are things that need to be worked out, but here is an overview of what we are envisioning the weekend to look like this year.
Friday Night: We are looking into having a get together at a local establishment with musical entertainment. There also is talk of having a night ride up in the trail network.
Saturday: Along with some changes we are making, like having onsite registration, there will be the vendors and demo rides. Guided trail rides, the demo loop, and self guided trail rides will all be options. There will also be skill riding challenges available onsite for entertainment and fun throughout the day Saturday and Sunday as well.
Saturday Night: The Ballyhoo Blowout. (Hmmm.........that just rolled outta my head, not bad!) Anyway, yeah............much like last year we are going to have a big party with a band and dancing on Saturday Night. It should be pretty fun.
Sunday: The demo rides, guided trail rides, skill games, and such will all continue. We will also be having a drawing for prizes from all the names we had registered for the event on Sunday. (Must be present to win) and that will pretty much wrap things up for the weekends festivities.
Sound like fun? Go to the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo site for future updates and pre-registration with a chance to win a prize, which should be coming soon.