Step #1: Of course, you will first need to get a Salsa Cycles Fargo. Find out what size you need and other details like whether you want to build up your own from a frame and fork, or buy a complete by visiting your local bike shop. Hopefully they are a Salsa Cycles dealer. If they are not, there are work arounds, but you should tell them to work on becoming one.
After you get your Fargo, you will want to become acquainted with its ride and how to get it tweaked out for comfort, because you will need to be dialed to "go far" on your Fargo! Trust me, you will want to do this anyway! Once you have this step completed, move on to..........

Step #2: Explore your neighborhood. Heck, go on over to the next neighborhood! Check out that new addition, or the coffee house that just opened up you heard about. Go down that street you've passed a million times that you wondered where it went to.
The Fargo will handle it well. Pot holes? Rough pavement? pssshaw! Water off a ducks back to the Fargo.
Once you've got the town figured out, move on to .....................

Step #3: Hit that bike path people have been talking about. Maybe you heard about that path around the lake where you vacation. Go for it! Got a bike path that is a destination? Maybe Elroy-Sparta? Maybe something else.....whatever! Go take that path to the end, turn around and come back the other way! The Fargo is a comfortable bike that'll do cinder path, pea gravel, and paved bike paths with no problem.
Now you're gettin' it! Move on to.......

Step #4: The country! Ahh! Those quiet back roads hidden away from all the urban crazies. Beauty and peace that others most likely will never discover. But not you! You will go where a lot of bicycles dare not to. Dirt and gravel are no match for the Fargo. Got a little mud there? No biggie! The Fargo has mud clearance and disc brakes. No back road can stop you.
Now don't stop there! Oh no....go on further to..........

Step #5: Offroad! Yeah.....single track and lots of it. The Fargo eats this stuff right up. You can fly or you can saunter, but either way, the Fargo is ready and willing to thread the thin ribbon of dirt in your neck of the woods.
Now that you have made it through all five steps, you too can be counted amongst the growing legions of Fargo-nauts all over the world!
Look like fun? It is. Get on a Fargo. You won't regret it.
This unabashedly Fargo-riffic post brought to you by Guitar Ted Productions!
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