Gary Cale wins every year. No...not the event. He wins the best post card sent in "award". (I know he would find this small consolation)
At any rate, as long as he enters Trans Iowa, and he has every year so far, the rest of you post card senders have a higher standard to meet!

Lincoln Crew Represents!
These guys are awesome folks. Hopefully you'll get to ride with one of them.
Oh yeah, I finally got to drive down "O" Street earlier this year. Pretty Cool!

The resourcefulness of self supported racers evidenced by things as trivial as post cards made from cardboard.
I got several of this one from different folks.

Another "recycled" post card.

Somewhere in Lincoln, Nebraska there is a dirty bathroom with a camera running!

Hey! A 36"er cruiser!
(Having been an art major in collage, one of my pet peeves is pictures with bad perspective and scale)
But it's a cool message!

From the T.I. V5 winner and champeen!

More Lincoln Crew goodness!

And the last card for today.....
A fitting saying to leave you with for the weekend!

This is happening in Cedar Falls, IA tomorrow!
Do It!
Ride your bikes, and ride them for a good cause.
Bonus: You will have good weather and good people to ride with.
Have a great weekend and ride yer bicycle somewhere!
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