<===Hoping to get a bit of snow biking in before it snows again!
2010 planning is going on here at Guitar Ted Productions. Talking over things with the family and setting some dates with some firmness now that another piece of the 2010 puzzle has been revealed.
What's that you say? Why the "second" Fargo Adventure Ride which is set for June 17th-18th with an optional Cable area mountain bike excursion following directly. I went on last years version of this and it comes highly recommended! Now as for Gnat calling this the "second" annual Fargo Adventure, well he must be using some "new math" or the first Fargo Adventure Ride was the prologue to these other ones.
All I can say is that it is too bad this years Fargo Adventure ride won't be taking in a ride on "Mr. Raftypants".
So with that event scrabbled onto my calendar for 2010, I have set in motion the wheels of figuring out how to fit all the puzzle pieces together.
I will be going to Frostbike next month, March will see me going to Texas to visit the family I have there and ride the excellent Franklin Mountain State Park trails in El Paso. Then I come back and will be putting on Trans Iowa in April. May is a "sandwich month" with nothing going on as yet. June will bring the Dirty Kanza 200 and the Fargo Adventure Ride #2, then July will be GTDRI. August might bring the Good Life Gravel Adventure, but that date has yet to be announced. September is Interbike, and then I'll get to watch the leaves fall off the trees again in October after several months of riding and having fun. (hopefully!)
I don't doubt that some things will change on this list while other unforeseen things will pop up. Stay tuned. It's gonna be a wild ride in 2010!
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