<===Get Your Big Wheeled Freak On June 21st and 22nd!
Well, it's going to be here soon. The 2008 version of the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo.
Plans are starting to come into fruition for this little celebration of 29"ers on Decorah, Iowa's great trails. There will be demo rides again and we'll be seeing some really cool things from Salsa, Niner, Fisher, and more.
There will be activities throughout the day on Saturday, a get together at a local watering hole on Saturday night, more stuff on Sunday including a raffle, and other hijinx.
Camping will be available onsite right within walking distance of downtown Decorah and the trails.
Look for this poster to start popping up here and there too to remind you.

<===Tri state distributed, the "inspire(d)" will be featuring a back cover ad for the Ballyhoo. Look for this free edition in the upper Mid-West soon!
Okay, so the really big deal about The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo is just getting together to ride trails on the excellent system up in Decorah and to have a bunch-o-fun. Bring your own mountain bike, little or big wheeled, and check out some shiny new steeds along with all the other trail rats and fun hogs around the Mid West and beyond.
You can camp right by the Upper Iowa River, hob-nob with your buddies in a cool little Iowa town and generally spend a weekend having a ball with your bicycle. Decorah also has some most excellent gravel road riding and road riding too. Even a municipal bike path that runs right through the Ballyhoo's exhibit area and campground.
I hope you'll come and have fun. I know I will!
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