<=== Here's to the fantastic weather we've been having of late. Can it last?
I have to say that this last week of commuting has been some of the nicest weather and most relaxing fun I have had in a long time. A long, long time!
Somebody was telling us just the other day that the temperatures at night never got above 32 degrees for six months. Something about the daytime highs that I can't remember, but suffice it to say that weather has been an issue for far too long now. I am just relieved to be able to ride in pleasant weather!
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo Update: This is a regularly scheduled feature for awhile now. First of all, it will be a pretty cool deal again this year as we have some quality vendors showing up that will be offering demo rides. Companies like Niner Bikes, Salsa Cycles, Origin 8, and Gary Fisher Bikes. But the really cool things will be all the folks riding and all the stellar trails to ride on. The Decorah Human Powered Trails group is currently grooming trails for this event and I will personally be overseeing some of the preparations in the next couple of weeks. Make sure you attend if you are in the area because there will be some surprises. You will be the first in the nation to see some pretty cool stuff, guaranteed!
Dirty Kanza 200 Prep: Setting up a tubeless wheelset special for the event right now. I'm about a third of the way into it now. (Things take longer when you have two jobs and a family!) I also have a long training ride and some regular mountain biking fun mixed in to cap off my major preparations. (Meager at best!) Then it is a few days of commuting and off to Kansas! We'll see how it all shakes out in about a week or so. Oh yeah, audio-blogging will be happening, so stay tuned for that.
Regular Test Rides Schedule: Starting in June my "other job" will be requiring me to take Wednesdays off throughout the summer for testing of product. Look for ride updates from some of my favorite riding spots throughout the summer months. (Well, that is if gas prices don't put the clamp down on that)
Okay, it's the first big summer holiday, (seems weird to say that with the weather we've had!) get out and ride!
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